Trace - Privacy

Last Updated: 2018-05-12 00:54

Using the report function in Trace

When reporting URLs, only the URL and message you write will be sent to the server and recorded. No other information about that transaction is stored.

Error reporting in Trace

All error reporting is optional, but when it is turned on, only information about the code (e.g. script name, line number, function name, stack trace) will be sent to the AbsoluteDouble servers, this is so errors can be recreated and solved in future updates. Trace does not and will never collect your browsing data.
Any and all information is only stored for the length of time it is needed and will be deleted after 1 month at the most. Trace will attempt to make secure HTTPS connections to servers when downloading blocklists and uploading reports. If you have any questions or concerns at all regarding your privacy or Trace in general, please email me.

Use of Cloudflare

Like many websites, AbsoluteDouble uses Cloudflare, please make sure you agree to their privacy policy before browsing this website. If you do not agree to the privacy policy and still wish to use Trace, you can turn off error reporting and the web request controller to stop all communication with

Regarding Trace Premium

It is possible for us to see your name and PayPal email address when you buy Trace Premium due to how PayPal works and when you buy Trace Premium we will store your code on the server but will not store your email on the server.
Please be sure to read Paypal's Privacy Policy before purchasing Trace Premium.